Monday, March 23, 2009


It is weird... really weird... that.. sometimes connections are made so easily and they bloom into something really great in a short time. That sometimes you meet someone completely by chance, randomly, but they become, overnight, such significant people that touch your heart.

I pulled an all nighter talking to someone on the phone for 7 hours. And i met the person a week ago. I spent around 3 days with the person, just chilling with other people, never really talking serious or spending alone time. yet somehow, we click SO well. We have amazing connection.
And I miss the person because I feel like we didn't spend enough time together and we are too far now.

In contrast, there are people who live close to me here, who I can see, who i DO see, but I feel no connection, no desire to be friends and I just KNOW in my heart that these people will be like the wind; they come and they go... unmemorable and unimportant. \

spring break was nothing short of awesome...

and now i just wanna get outta here.

but.... i feel like my heart is split into my portions.... there isnt a full one for just one person... and it disturbs me.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


<<命中注定我爱你>> 真的很好看... 而且不会太肉麻... 很好笑...

我觉得啊, 最可爱的吻是额头上的吻...

并没有任何性欲的意思.... 很单纯..

可能以女生的角度...觉得被吻的人保护 ... 马上好像小女生了!

我觉得那种单纯真心的感情... 最甜蜜, 最令人陶醉..最感动.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


"If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space."